A welding company contacted Kent Inspection & Engineering (KIE) to perform testing for a new Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). The testing ensures proper mechanical properties of the welding procedure and qualifies the welder performing the welding.
Scope | Methodology
A number of tests were performed on this weldment according to the provided specification. Cross-sectional samples were removed, polished, and etched to see the weld’s solidification structure and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). From one of these samples, microhardness data was collected. In addition, Similar samples were removed, and bend tested. More samples were removed from the weldment and machined into tensile and Charpy V-Notch (CVN). The data gathered from these tests were interpreted and compared to the codes and standards. KE was able to determine if the procedure and welder were qualified according to codes and standards.

Root Cause | Solution
Kent Inspection & Engineering was able to determine that the weldment shown in the pictures did not qualify. In the opinion of KIE, the weldment was made with too high of heat input, or the welds in each pass were too large. Though this client did not pass, it is always the goal of KIE to get clients passed. KIE’s weld engineers and metallurgists are readily available to provide recommendations to the clients.
Our Welding Engineering Capabilities
Leading Experts in Welding Engineering
At Kent Inspection & Engineering, we provide solutions to your welding problems across a variety of industries, including construction, multifamily, manufacturing, transportation, plumbing, heavy equipment and machinery, food processing, and maritime. Our staff of engineers and architects lend their range of specialties and deep expertise to each industry, inspecting and identifying failures in order to help represent our clients well.
Find out how Kent Inspection & Engineering the right partner for your engineering, analysis, and inspection needs. Feel free to get in touch with us; we are here for you!